Welcome to Regular Marvels, a website about my community art work since 2010. When I say I’m a community artist, I mean that I only make art with people: unlike other artists, I have no practice of my own. Regular Marvels is about the community art work in which I’m directly involved. My writing about the theory, history and practice is here, were you can also download a PDF of my last book, A Restless Art. (It’s free because the research was supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.)

On this site, you can download several other books, including:
- Where We Dream, about amateur theatre
- Winter Fires, about art and agency in old age
- Bread and Salt, about art and migration
- A Wider Horizon, about arts touring in rural areas
There are also two books that have resulted from community art projects (again, all freely available under Creative Commons terms):
- The Light Ships, made with communities in rural Lincolnshire
- I Remember: Leicester, a collective text inspired by Joe Brainard
In Regular Marvels II, you can read about my current work, including A Dead Good Life, a film about growing older with learning disabilities, and TRACTION, a European community opera project. Thanks for visiting. I hope you find something of value here.